ENE SECURITY provides a vital “Health Check” to ensure doors are secure at a local college.

With the need for high security at educational facilities today, it was time for a campus-wide audit of all the doors and locks at Cape Cod Community College.  And with budget being an issue, they counted on ENE to make it happen.  They are now looking forward to ENE’s leadership with their next major new construction project.

One Door at a Time…Literally, Across the Entire Campus to Ensure Cost Savings and Accuracy.

Education is something Cape Cod Community College understands.  And ENE SECURITY was able to provide education to the college…in the form of a “Health Check” of their doors and locks, including wireless locks.

The college hired ENE to rectify door access issues that had built up over time, and started to become difficult to keep track of.

What CCCC respected, was that ENE did not just replace all the existing door locks in one clean sweep.

ENE realizes that budget, especially in the education industry, is always a concern.  Our proprietary Health Check of all the doors and locks proved beneficial.

For the Health Check, we walked through the entire campus and examined every door and lock, and also examined the software involved.

Finally, we prepared a complete report detailing each door, one by one.  ENE spelled out which doors needed to be repaired, and which doors were in good working condition.

In the end, many doors were spared replacement, which led to huge cost savings for the company.