ENE SECURITY conducts complete security overhaul of all of Massachusetts’ Planned Parenthood Locations.
Expert installations and advice was not the only aspect needed to provide a complete security systems makeover at all four of the Planned Parenthood locations in Massachusetts. ENE’s flexibility in terms of scheduling was also needed. To meet the customer’s deadlines and cater to the nature of their services, we also had to be creative by working off-hours, weekends and whenever else was necessary.

Doing Whatever it Takes to Work around the Schedule of a Client
Planned Parenthood knew that ENE possessed the expert technicians, the cutting edge security systems and the reputation.
But they soon learned just how these three things worked together…especially the reputation.
When you are as highly rated as ENE SECURITY is at keeping the customer satisfied, two things are true: You got that way by doing things the right way in the past. And, you know the right thing to do when challenges are presented to you in the future.
Installing access control systems, intrusion alarms and security cameras in a venue such as Planned Parenthood must be executed perfectly. And on time.
So when ENE was given strict deadlines, we came through.